
Some Oconto County snowmobile trails to open on Christmas Eve

January 3, 2022

by Ashley Kaster, FOX 11 News


(WLUK) -- Snowmobilers can hit the trails on Christmas Eve.

Oconto County says its snowmobile trails will be partially open starting this Friday at noon.

Officials say snowmobile clubs and volunteers have worked tirelessly to get the Red Arrow, Paul Bunyan, Iron Snowshoe, and Chute Pond Snowmobile Trials cleaned up, groomed, and ready.

However, there are a few sections of the trail that will not open.

The trails south of Town of Mountain Line and that part of Town of Brazeau north of HWY 64 remain closed as the majority of those trails are on farm land that needs more snow to cover the winter crops and provide a safe riding experience.

The Nicolet State Trail, aka the grade, is the only trail open south of Mountain which is open from Suring to Forest County.

Once the southern trails are approved to open, the announcement will appear on the official Oconto County Trail Report.

Logging is currently in process on both county and federal properties. When coming into a logging area, follow the signage and never go under or near logging equipment when they are in use.

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