
Snowy weather means snowmobile trails are open throughout Oconto County

February 22, 2019

Fox 11


SURING (WLUK) -- The recent wintry weather has given many people a chance to head outdoors, and enjoy some recreation a Northwoods winter typically offers.

And because of all the snow this year, people are able to hit the trails in more areas than maybe they could have before.

On a section of the Nicolet State Trail in Suring, Dan Kamps pauses from an afternoon snowmobile ride.

"Just going to head up to Mountain, and probably turn around. Get something to eat up there," said Dan Kamps, Oconto Falls.

Kamps says riding in Southern Oconto County is somewhat of a surprise.

"I live like a half mile from the trail. It's been closed the last few years. Maybe open a day or two. Then the farm fields melt off, a lot faster, so it's nice to have all this snow," he said.

Kamps isn't alone. Dan Guendert and his group rode the route all the way to Gillett and beyond.

"I love riding different places. When I get a trail that I haven't been on, in a long time, it's a lot of fun," said Dan Guendert, Oconto County Snowmobile Alliance President.

Guendert is also the President of the Oconto County Snowmobile Alliance. He says this winter provides many riders a rare opportunity.

"You can access anywhere. All sides of Oconto County are available to ride on a snowmobile," said Guendert.

Guendert says attracting more riders to the area was a topic of discussion at the monthly Oconto County Trails group meeting.

"Oconto County has 475 miles of snowmobile trails. We have a lot of establishments along the trails, restaurants, and places to stop, and we welcome the people to come to Oconto County," he said.

Back to the Nicolet State Trail, Dan Kamps is already planning his next trip.

"We're actually going to go try riding further west, check out toward Wausau, that area. The trails are good all over," he said.

Snowmobile club leaders say they hope to create a guide for those planning a trip to Oconto County. Ideas include: Places to see, places to stop, and places to stay.

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